D'IYANU - Blog Posts 2024-09-18T12:47:58-04:00 D'IYANU 2020-06-22T16:14:00-04:00 2022-05-29T08:14:32-04:00 D'IYANU's Juneteenth Donation Addie Elabor More

Thank you for celebrating Juneteenth and the launch of our Resort Collection! We had a very successful day thanks to you. We are donating 19% of our total sales to two great organizations working to better the black community. 

We are donating $6,000 to The National Society of Black Engineers and an additional $6,000 to The Equal Justice Initiative. 

The money donated to the National Society of Black Engineers will go toward scholarships. These scholarships will ensure that black youth have access to good higher education and the tools needed to become successful engineers. 

Our donation for the Equal Justice Initiative will help support the lawyers and legal teams who are working tirelessly to end mass incarceration, excessive punishment in the United States, and to protect basic human rights for the most vulnerable people in American society.

These organizations were chosen from the many suggestions we received from you either through social media or email. Thank you for doing your part in supporting us and these organizations. 

]]> 2019-12-20T18:50:00-05:00 2022-07-20T10:09:21-04:00 spfraidersoccercamp 4th Quarter Charity Donation Addie Elabor As the holiday season is upon us and the year draws to an end, we take time to reflect on what’s most important to us—love, family, health, and meaningful impactThose are the same values that drive our quarterly initiative to donate $4,000 to organizations making a difference in our various communities. This last quarter of the year, we’ve selected two amazing organizations recommended by our customersAmref Health Africa and Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington (BGCGW) 

Amref Health Africa

Amref Health Africa

Amref Health Africa is a fantastic charity recommended by Jasmine Clarisme, one of our outstanding customers who works for the organization. Headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, Amref Health Africa is the largest Africa-based healthcare nonprofit, serving an average of nine million people per year across 35 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. They strengthen health care systems and train African health workers to respond to the continent’s most critical health challenges: maternal and child health, infectious and noncommunicable diseases (HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, cancer, heart disease, etc.), access to clean water and sanitation, and surgical and clinical outreach. Their approach is community-based and making the people they reach partners -- rather than beneficiaries. Over 97% of their global staff are Africans, so that they are always tackling African challenges with African expertise. 

Learn More By Visiting Amref Health Africa Here

"Amref Health Africa earns its respect through being Africa born and Africa based – our staff work hand in hand with their communities to better their quality of life, as they strive together to build a bright future for the continent."

Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington (BGCGW)


The second charity is the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington (BGCGW) which was recommended by our remarkable customer, Tanneka Jones. This great organization has 15 sites that serve as a safe haven for the over 1,500 youths who attend daily for various programs that keep them from being home alone or on the streets. BGCGW’s goal is to help every member achieve outcomes of Academic Success, Good Character and Citizenship, and Healthy Lifestyles. The centers offer educational programs in STEM, finance, and career guidance along with fun activities such as their sport leagues. 

Learn More By Visiting Boys and Girls Club of Greater Washington Here

"We serve the region’s kids and teens through our Formula for Impact, an adopted strategy created by our National Headquarters and serves as a roadmap for Clubs to help ensure that members achieve our priority outcomes of Academic Success, Good Character and Citizenship, and Healthy Lifestyles."

Take a look at some of our past charity work here!

]]> 2019-08-26T10:38:00-04:00 2019-08-27T15:23:35-04:00 EduCare Benin To Raise $5K for Scholarships Jasmine Goodwin More


Here at spfraidersoccercamp, we want to inspire others to give back by being an example. With that in mind, we would like to highlight a great organization that spfraidersoccercamp supported for the last 3 years, EduCare Benin. We are ecstatic to donate an additional $800 this year to EduCare Benin in support of their mission to champion education and literacy with underprivileged youth in Benin.

EduCare Benin is a mutual aid and development organization specialized in the field of education. They work for the respect of the right to education for all and to contribute to the reduction of illiteracy, a fight that is part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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The project 'UNE BOURSE POUR TOUS' is a program that aims to award scholarships to Beninese children who do not have stable financial resources on one hand and to promote excellence through excellency scholarships awarded to the most deserving students on the other hand. The program covers the costs related to the children's education fees (tuition, school supplies, uniforms and textbooks).

spfraidersoccercamp Gives Back to EduCare

The scholarship is annual and selected children are supported up until twelfth grade. Children selected in 6th grade are therefore taking care of until twelfth grade. New fellows are selected every year in different regions of Benin.

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With this in mind, EduCare Benin is embarking on a fundraising campaign for the 2019-2020 school year. Their goal for the year is to raise US $5,000 to fund the schooling of their already dependent fellows and to help other children still in need through the selection of new fellows. The campaign will be running until September 20th and you can contribute by donating on their website. Remember that every little bit counts in making the difference in the life of a child. We thank you ahead of time for your kind consideration in giving to change a life.

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spfraidersoccercamp Gives Back to EduCare

]]> 2019-07-26T03:01:00-04:00 2022-07-20T08:40:48-04:00 D'IYANU Gives Back 2019 Addie Elabor Well before spfraidersoccercamp was founded, CEO Addie Elabor yearned to live a fruitful and impactful life by giving back to her community. As a Nigerian born American, she recognizes her move to the US as being a blessing. Thankful for the experiences that’s led to her success, Addie strives to inspire others with her positive influence and clothing line, spfraidersoccercamp.


Well before spfraidersoccercamp was founded, CEO Addie Elabor yearned to live a fruitful and impactful life by giving back to her community. As a Nigerian born American, she recognizes her move to the US as being a blessing. Thankful for the experiences that’s led to her success, Addie strives to inspire others with her positive influence and clothing line, spfraidersoccercamp.

In line with spfraidersoccercamp’s core value of giving back, the company recently launched an initiative to give $4000 quarterly to one or two organizations making a positive impact in their community. Through charitable efforts, the fashion brand plans to grant opportunities that may not have been otherwise afforded to disadvantaged men, women and youth. Ultimately, their desire is to see their community rise.

The selection process to find impactful community-based non-profits, heavily involved their customers. They were contacted for their valued suggestions and spfraidersoccercamp thanks them for their helping hand. After deep consideration, this quarter, spfraidersoccercamp will sponsor the Boys and Girls Club of Philadelphia and The Women’s Safe House.

Boys and Girls Club of Philadelphia

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Philadelphia’s impact in the lives of children spans 132 years, since its commencement in 1887. The franchise’s mission centers around inclusion--providing equal opportunities to children of all races, gender, ages, sexual orientation, religion and class. Success is guaranteed for every young person that graces their facility. spfraidersoccercamp wholeheartedly support the non-profit's commitment to see young people excel as productive, caring, and responsible citizens. spfraidersoccercamp's core values align with the Boys and Girls Clubs of Philadelphia. The donation will be allocated to their many youth programs.

The Women's Safe House

The Women’s Safe House’s objective is to “provide safe shelter and transitional living services to battered women and their dependent children.” We admire their determination to educate and empower women about their choices for the future. Since 1977, the facility has served as a haven for women and families in danger and fleeing domestic violence. The 501( c ) (3) non-profit organization is open 24-7, with the capability to house 400-600 women and children annually. spfraidersoccercamp is elated to donate to such an important cause.

Learn more about the Boys & Girls Club of Philadelphia and The Women’s Safe House below.

Boys and Girls Club of Philadelphia

The Women's Safe House

]]> 2018-11-20T16:41:00-05:00 2022-07-20T10:32:42-04:00 D'IYANU Gives Back Addie Olutola More

As a junior in college, I recall sitting in my dorm room one day and feeling a sense of dread. I was contemplating my future and thinking about my life ahead. I felt a pang of panic at the thought of living a life of mediocrity. That may seem a bit dramatic to some, however, I was fearful of living a cookie cutter life with no impact.

As I was crying and praying, I suddenly felt God impart to me my life’s mission. The mission was to help build schools and clinics and provide opportunities to people in underdeveloped communities in Nigeria and other African countries.

Seven years later from that dorm room scene, spfraidersoccercamp was launched in January 2014. As is common with any new business, the first year was a struggle getting the company off the ground and spfraidersoccercamp was barely profitable. Nevertheless, at the beginning of 2015, I committed to donating to causes I believed in whether the business was profitable or not.

Charity:Water and Water Aid

Anyone who knows me knows of my love for water. Therefore, it’s heartbreaking knowing that there are still millions of people without access to clean drinking water. Furthermore, it often falls on young girls to walk for miles to fetch dirty water for their household, putting them in danger and sometimes preventing them from attending school.

After doing some research, I found two fantastic organizations: Charity:Water and Water Aid that provide access to clean water to remote villages. Both charities are transparent charities doing amazing work to ensure underdeveloped areas in Africa and other 3rd world countries can enjoy a basic necessity such as water.

EduCare Benin

In addition to those two organizations, spfraidersoccercamp donates to EduCare Benin, a wonderful organization co-founded by Farouk Bagoudou, a friend of mine. His organization awards scholarships in Benin to orphans and children whose parents cannot afford their school fees. EduCare Benin also provides school supplies such as backpacks, books, and other classroom utensils. 

I am truly grateful for the opportunity to be able to carry out part of my life’s mission by giving to fantastic organizations. As a Nigerian who was born in Nigeria and grew up in the U.S, I recognize that I’m blessed to live in the U.S and run my own business. As a result, I feel a deep sense of responsibility to give back wherever possible.

It’s been eleven years since that dorm room scene and I’m elated to know that spfraidersoccercamp is helping fulfill that mission of giving. At spfraidersoccercamp, our mission is to be a force for good and we plan to continue donating to great organizations and eventually expand to funding the projects God imparted to me.

-Addie Olutola, CEO of spfraidersoccercamp. spfraidersoccercamp has donated over $15,000 to the 3 organizations below along with other charities. 

Learn More About the Charities We Support 


Charity Water

- "The water crisis is huge, but it is solvable. We work with local experts and community members to find the best sustainable solution in each place where we work, whether it’s a well, a piped system, a BioSand Filter, or a system for harvesting rainwater. And with every water point we fund, our partners coordinate sanitation and hygiene training and establish a local Water Committee to help keep water flowing for years to come."

Water Aid

Water Aid

- "WaterAid transforms lives by improving access to clean water, hygiene and sanitation in the world's poorest communities. We work with local partners and influence decision-makers to maximize our impact."

  ONG EduCare Benin

EduCare Benin

- "EduCare Benin is a relief and development NPO specializing in the field of education. Investing in education is the most effective way to reduce poverty. We are working for the respect of the right to education for all. Sponsorship and patronage are the foundation of  EduCare Benin."
