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Article: 5 Steps to New Year, New You

5 Steps to New Year, New You

We’re going to be straight with you—2020 has been a tough year. From a literal plague to civil unrest, this year has brought it all. We don’t think we’ve ever been this happy to welcome a new year and 2021 can be a fresh start we all need. Making goals can feel unsurmountable. So, we created this guide to help you figure out how to create goals you’ll actually meet this year.

1) Prepare by Reflecting

Each year, you’ve made resolutions, and you probably find yourself going off course within a few weeks. Really think about what your goals have been in the past, and why some worked, and others didn’t. Don’t use this reflection time to knock yourself for failing in the past. Stay positive while you think about what you want to accomplish it while staying realistic on what you can change.

2) Make Your Goals Motivational and Manageable

Complete lifestyle overhauls just aren’t realistic. Instead, make two types of goals: short and long term. Long term goals are going to be your resolutions for the year while short term goals are the steps you take along the way to accomplish them. Remember, it takes roughly 30 days to make new habits stick, so planning monthly milestones is a great way to make your goals happen this year.

3) List the Reasons Why You Want to Achieve Your Goals

When your goals are tied to a compelling reason, you’re more likely to achieve them. It’s so easy to start off the year motivated, but oftentimes we give up when that feeling of motivation is gone. Knowing your why for setting a particular goal will keep you going long after the initial excitement for a new year has worn off.

4) Write Down and Share Your Goals

Breaking out the pen and paper commits you to your goals. Make it look attractive and hang it up somewhere you’ll see it every day, like in your bedroom or on the fridge. Seeing your goals will give you inspiration to achieve them each day. After writing them, take a picture and post it on IG, Snapchat, Twitter or any other social media platform you have. You may find someone who has the same goal you do (they can become a great soundboard while you both share your ups and downs), and it will motivate you to prove all the haters wrong who doubted you.

5) Don’t Be Afraid to Make Changes

Look, if something isn’t working for you, adjust it so it does. This doesn’t make you a failure or that you won’t reach your goal—you certainly will—but sometimes we need to do things our own way.

Now that we know how to make goals, we decided to look ahead and make our resolutions focused on three key life areas: Personal, Fitness and Work. We offer great examples in each category such as getting finances in order, managing weight, and asking for a work promotion. 


Personal resolutions can vary across the board, but we’ve found these are some of the most popular:

1) Get Organized

Follow Marie Kondo’s advice and actually look at what you have and what you need. This doesn’t mean you can’t have luxuries, but really ask yourself if an item is useful or you just have an emotional attachment to it.

2) Learn a New Skill

Have you considered taking a college class? Now is the perfect time to start! A lot of universities are offering severely reduced tuition for people to reach their academic goals.

3) Get Your Finances in Order

Online shopping is tempting but look at how much you’re spending on needs versus wants. Save on those lattes and invest that money elsewhere, like a savings account (or cute clothes from our activewear collection!).


Fitness goals always lead the pack for resolutions (and we’ve got you covered for your gym mask needs).

1) Lose Weight – Remember to make your goals realistic. You didn’t gain weight overnight, and you’re not going to lose it overnight either. We have the perfect jumpsuit for you to look cute while you drop the weight here.

2) Workout More – If you want to hit the gym more, look at your schedule and see where you can fit in workouts. Lunch hours are a great time to get in some extra time at the gym.


We all work hard for our money, but 2021 might be the year you want to start a new venture or get that promotion.

1) Find a New Job – We know this is probably the last thing on your mind right now, but 2021 might be the year for a change. Be sure to update your resume and always give a 2-week-notice at your old job.

2) Get a Promotion – Sit down and talk to your boss about getting that new promotion. If you’re not quite ready, they’ll likely give you advice on how to improve your performance so you are ready.

3) Start a Business- Take a leap and start that new venture that you’ve always wanted to establish. Start a side hustle and stick to it. Don’t forget that it’s ok to start small with the tools within your reach.

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